Counsellor & celebrant based in Wellington

(Mount Victoria & Te Horo Beach)

This website is to help you decide if I’m the right counsellor for you, or if I’m right as the celebrant for a marriage or funeral you are involved with.

You might like to look through the part of the site which deals with your needs. Then, perhaps, you could email or telephone to arrange to meet and see if we would be a good fit.

Counselling is about the people being counselled. Celebrations—namings, marriages, funerals–are about the people being celebrated. For those who wish, I work with Rangimoana Taylor on bi-cultural ceremonies.

I started doing friends’ funerals and voluntary work on a telephone helpline over forty years ago, and then took up celebrancy professionally in the early 1990s and trained as a counsellor in the late 1990s. I am a Member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors and the Wellington Gay Welfare Group, a Verified Member of the Celebrants Association of New Zealand, and a Life Member of the Burnett Foundation (formerly the New Zealand Aids Foundation). For many years until my retirement in 2023 I was chair of the trust which governs the New Zealand Needle Exchange Programme in the lower North Island for people who inject drugs. 

As well as counselling and celebrancy I give supervision to counsellors and people in the helping professions, and provide mediation and meeting facilitation services.


Bill Logan

MNZAC, VCANZ, BA (Hons) (VUW), Dip Counselling (Applied) (CIT), Cert Supervision (WelTec)